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“Joyful career in Xiqing” action to improve employment opportunities

xiqing.exploringtianjin.com| Updated : 2022-06-20

In order to stabilize the employment rate and allow people to achieve high quality employment opportunities, Xiqing has decided to implement the “Joyful career in Xiqing” action, aiming to create over 120,000 jobs, keep the urban unemployment rate below 5.5%, effectively alleviate the structural employment contradiction, balance the supply and demand of the labor market, keep the overall employment situation stable, maintain the employment rate for key groups of people, improve the entrepreneurial environment, and enhance its ability to cope with large-scale unemployment risks by 2025.

The details of the “Joyful career in Xiqing” action are as follows.

1.       Further improve the employment expansion capacity: accelerating economic growth to expand employment, supporting enterprises to develop and stabilize employment, and encouraging employment through multiple channels.

2.       Further improve the region’s innovation and entrepreneurship ability: enhancing entrepreneurship policy support, enhancing the overall planning of entrepreneurial resources, enhancing the support of entrepreneurship platforms, and strengthening the entrepreneurial ability of personnel.

3.       Further improve the support given to key groups of people: continue supporting graduates from universities in the labor market and cultivating the unique human resource service brand of Xiqing.

4.       Further improve the public service capacity: forming “Joyful career in Xiqing” working alliance and enhancing the service of this action.